Saturday, May 31, 2014

Civil Discourse Now at Democratic Convention, and a Format Change

Civil Discourse Now will be broadcasting live today, 11am-1pm, at the Indiana Democratic Party's convention at the Convention Center in downtown Indianapolis. If you are a delegate, feel free to stop by and chat. We'll be with set up with the rest of the vendors.

For the last several weeks, we have experienced technical difficulties on Civil Discourse Now that have nothing to do with the hardware or software we use to broadcast the show. Last week, while I took a break to research some news, I checked into the station to discover that not only were we not on the air, but something else was being played in our time slot.

We hope to resolve that situation today, with the launch of 7 Bits Of Info on Live365. To listen, just go to the link and click play. An embedded Live365 player will be on the blog shortly. We won't only be broadcasting live, but we'll also use this station to air "classic" episodes of Civil Discourse Now. And some of our pre-taped segments will air on their own, instead of embedded within the program. I am also working on digging up some interviews I have on cassette tapes and broadcasting them on the station.

If you have a smartphone or tablet, download the Live365 app and point it to 7 Bits Of Info.

I know the transition may be rough for some listeners and fans. After all, it wasn't that long ago that this show was broadcasting live from UStream and had a video feed. But we truly believe that this is our best option so that our program will sound as technically good as possible.

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